
Monday, May 11, 2020

Mes de Maria - Day 11

May 11

 [Ranunculus] -Buttercup
Although the buttercup flowers are not aromatic plants, they are however greatly valued and they occupy a preferential place in all the well-ordered gardens. Except for the perfume, they have many qualities proper to a flower in a very high degree: beauty, variety of colours, small, but clustery in its leaves.

Religion is a moral virtue by which a person renders to the true God the due worship: devotion, prayer and supplications, the singing of hymns and psalms, sacrifice, gifts and offerings, oaths, vows and promises, our religious functions, the building of temples and altars, all these belong to this virtue. He who has this virtue is religious.

Floral offering to Mary
Mary, receive these flowers and accept my resolutions. I commit myself to give you a public, sincere, unmistakable, and faithful testimony of love, respect, obedience, gratitude, and adoration to my God at all times and under all the circumstances, that religion prescribes to me. Receive my Gardener, receive resolutions of mine; to your care, I entrust the buttercup

Recite five Hail Marys

Invitation: How would you deepen your relationship with Him as your God and loving Saviour?

Text: Mes de Maria - Francisco Palau, OCD - CM Founder

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