
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mes de Maria - Day 10

May 10

The lily, cardinal and chief of all the lilies, is a buried head: it produces a straight stem brings forth its bud and when this burst open the garden are filled with a very delicate and exquisite fragrance. The various species of lilies of different colours and perfumes form family with it.

This excellent cardinal virtue is figured by all the species of flowers that is elongated, like a two-valve vessel like that of the pea or bean.
To give each one what is due is justice. It has its companions: religion, prayer, piety, respect, gratitude, veracity, liberality, and as essential parts the commutative and distributive justice.

Floral offering to Mary
Mary, I offer and present to you today the lily and various species of lilies and emblem of justice and its companions. Prostrated before your throne I promise and oblige myself to give God what religion prescribes to me and to my neighbours what the law commands and to you what you ask from me and what I owe you, which is love, veneration and gratitude. Accept my offering; receive them O Mary.

Recite five Hail Marys

Invitation: Do you want to make atonement in this world of what you owe God?

Text: Mes de Maria - Francisco Palau, OCD - CM Founder

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