
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Thank you Lord! 25 years of prayer and service.

Sr. Sandra Telogio, cm
Celebrates her 25 years - Silver Jubilee

The Silver Jubilee of my First Profession is a celebration of God's faithfulness and merciful love to me. The past twenty-five years has been an experience of grace, pure grace, amazing grace, God's grace. It is a story of Love, God's love for me and God's love for His people.
This is what I celebrate today. I celebrate the unfathomable love of God. To Him, I give all my thanks. To Him, I offer the rest of my life. For Him, I would give up everything still. I do not hesitate to say this because, throughout the past twenty-five years, I have seen how good and faithful He is.
For the past twenty-five years, God allowed me to encounter all of you who had then become a very significant part of my vocational and missionary journey. I cherished all those beautiful experiences and memories in my heart. I give THANKS TO GOD FOR ALL OF YOU! You are God's gift to me, part of the package of my vocation. Thank you very much for your loving greetings on the occasion of this Silver Jubilee of my First Profession. Thank you to my family who generously offered me to God, to my students and teachers who taught me many things about life, to all those whom I met and shared life during my missionary journey in different parts of the world especially the young people who challenged me how to live in a multicultural community without prejudices and discrimination, there is beauty in each one to behold.
To all my FRIENDS and companions in the journey who up to this time still supporting me and my mission, I see God who is faithful and generous. To all the priests, religious sisters and brothers are my sojourners and who keep on inspiring me through the holiness of their lives and their passion for the Church and humanity, I thank you!
To my Religious family, the Carmelite Missionaries, my heart is full of gratitude for your sisterly love and support of my vocation in Carmel. Thank you so much for forming me in the spirit of Blessed Francisco Palau which made me say; " I live and will live for the Church; I live and will die for Her."
In the silence of your hearts, as the Holy Spirit our Gentle Comforter, breathe on you, please listen, for He will whisper what I wished to express to all of you.
My words of THANKS IS NOT ENOUGH. HE will supply what is lacking. With Mother Mary, Mother of Carmel, and Mother of the Church, I entrust all of you to Her maternal care.
I am sharing to all of you the joys and blessings of my Silver Jubilee.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! To God be the Glory.

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