
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Mes de Maria - Day 7

May 7

The flower of the orange tree
In countries of the North, orange tree is a rare thing for the gardens, it is preserved but in order to save it from ice and cold great precaution is needed for it is considered one of the best ornaments. In warm countries, the orange tree bear so much flowers during May that it fills the gardens with fragrant perfumes, that seems to bring us back to the paradise from where by our sin we were expelled. In this season a plantation of orange trees, exude beyond distance its fragrance, because they bear flowers in great abundance. It is always green, and of a vivid and bright green.

Hope is a virtue infused in the soul that disposes and inspires to hope that God will grant in this life the assistance of grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and in the life to come, eternal life through our good deeds. The gift of knowledge corresponds to it.

Floral offering to Mary
Mary, I hope to be saved; I hope you will reach out to me the grace to help me live in a Christian way, I entrust to God’s goodness my salvation. I promise fidelity, loyalty and exact observance of the holy law of the Lord.

Recite five Hail Marys

Invitation: Do you have hope? Meditate on hope today and discover your great hope in God´s goodness and love.

Text: Mes de Maria - Francisco Palau, OCD - CM Founder

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