
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Mes de Maria - Day 27

May 27

Queen of the Night & Mallow
This plant is one of the species in which the Mallow is divided: its leaf is gentle to touch; its flower is very small and without odour but its crimson colour is so bright and vivid and the flowers come in a cluster. It avoids the heat of the sun and loves the pool of water.

Clemency and meekness
Clemency moderates the rigours and severity of punishment insofar as it is compatible with the laws of justice; meekness protects the peace of the heart against anger. These virtues soften and calm, sweeten and pacify. The mallow is a plant that is very soft, smooth and delicate to touch and its species perfumes with its fragrance and embellishes our garden with its variety of flowers.

Floral offering to Mary
Oh most merciful and sweetest Mary! I offer to you today the flower of my meekness; I will maintain peace of heart, and I will hold the impetus of anger on a bad day. I promise you so; receive this resolution of mine, accept my flower.

Recite five Hail Marys

Invitation: What do you do when the wind blows in your heart the breeze of anger, restlessness and discontent? Do you abandon yourself? Do you burst out into complaints, utter inappropriate and offensive words?

Text: Mes de Maria of Francisco Palau, OCD - CM Founder

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