
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Mes de Maria - Day 24

May 24

Thyme, Romany & Mint
Choose for our gardens certain plants that serve to adorn it with their greenness and perfume it with their fragrance, such are the thyme, romany and mint. They are fragrant, aromatic and medicinal plants.

We are taking here penance in the broadest sense. The repentance of a fault, the flagellation and mortification of the flesh with afflictions and use of sackcloth and the limit of servile work respective of the arts, the mortification of the senses, all these is symbolized by the thyme, romany, mint and other strong herbs which are planted along the pathway of the garden. And when stepped on and compressed, it exudes its special fragrance and are medicine for the body and soul.

Floral offering to Mary
Mary, there goes the plants and strong herbs as a sign of my repentance of my sins. Receive them Oh Mary, and present them to your Son and grant me the forgiveness of all of them.

Recite five Hail Marys

Invitation: Offer to God a penance such as his justice demands.

Text: Mes de Maria - Francisco Palau, OCD - CM Founder

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