
Monday, May 18, 2020

Mes de Maria - Day 19

May 19

The rose mallow and the passionflower
The passionflower is a flower that burst open in May having the figure of a crown of thorns, five wounds and three nails over the star with ten rays and with a seven leaf; however, by itself it cannot form a bouquet because it lacks odour. We shall put together the rose mallow and the one with odour with its species.

To start by the way of virtue, a person has to be sustained in the midst of trials, tribulations and contradictions and must be firm, strong, faithful, constant and persistent. It is the role of patience to tolerate, bear, endure, and suffer the worries; and persecutions that come to us because of virtue. Our passion, suffered for God’s sake, is a flower. The rose mallow is another flower, its leaves are very sweet and gentle; it transforms suffering into consolation and loads sweet when borne for God’s sake.

Floral offering to Mary
Mary, I offer you the rose mallow and passionflower as a sign of my resignation in suffering. I commit myself to accept sorrows, contradictions and tribulations voluntarily, willingly and with gratitude. Present my passion to your Son and take care of my patience.

Recite five Hail Mary

Invitation: In the face of trials, and tribulations, how do you welcome them? Reflect on your spirit of constancy, persistence and firmness.

Text: Mes de Maria - Francisco Palau, OCD - CM Founder

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