
Friday, May 15, 2020

Mes de Maria - Day 17

May 17

The pink carnation (clavel)
After the roses and the lilies, the carnations come among the aromatic flowers. They are very common plants, easy to cultivate and they bloom throughout the seasons of the year; they have varied colours and they bloom abundantly. Its odour is very delicate and pleasant.

Fortitude is the third among the cardinal virtues. Magnanimity and magnificence, patience and perseverance are at her service. It has in the battle two acts, which are to assail and to sustain until death the conquered territory. It goes forward rather than backward, it wages offensive and defensive war.
The carnation flower sustains itself against the weather and amidst all vicissitudes. It blooms throughout the seasons of the year. It pertains to this virtue and to its dependents the gift of fortitude.

Floral offering to Mary
Mary, here is the flower of the day: it is a bouquet of carnation. I present it to you as a symbol of an intention that I have conceived and it is that of putting my life in order in my actions, the order that my conscience dictates and that of maintaining it amidst the vicissitudes and the elements of this world and to persevere in it until death. I will be strong with the strength that I hope to receive

Recite five Hail Mary´s

Invitation:  In your trying times, what event in your life were you able to overcome and praise God for his grace and mercy?
...or with Mary thanking for her accompaniment to be courageous?  

Text: Mes de Maria - Francisco Palau, OCD - CM Founder

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