
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ignited by Christ's Love

The subject and object of this whole CM Aspirants’ Retreat and acceptance experience is no other than Christ’s love.

Christ’s love has been my motivation to be where I am now and I’m doing all of these for the sake of passing on this same love that I have been constantly receiving from Him.

It’s very overwhelming, I must say. It’s like drowning in the vast endless ocean of God’s love. During our Aspirant’s Retreat in CMCL in Dueñas, Iloilo last May 28-31, together with our Vocation Directress, Sr. Dedith Moralde, CM, as our Retreat Master, God has just made His call for me even more personal. There was a lot of time for silence and so it was an alone moment with God most of the time. God just affirmed me of being called to do His will by responding to His invitation “Come and see”. I was able to look back at the different episodes of my life in silence and just realized how He orchestrated every detail of it beautifully. The God who has been so faithful through the years is actually calling me to “level up” when it comes to following Him. How amazing can it get? What’s also humbling is the fact that I’m not really worthy of the call, but just as I am, He has called me still. Just as I am, He is the one who has made me worthy of the call.

This then gives me the confidence to continue trusting in Him, to continue entrusting to Him all my cares and worries and to continue following and giving Him my “YES” everytime I wake up in the morning.

During the Acceptance Rite in Bacolod last June 2, it just hit me that everything is for real. It’s not a dream that ends at the moment I wake up. It symbolized my entry together with my ten (10) other co-aspirants to the once “undefined” life that we have chosen. The three-day retreat may have already ended and had very well prepared us, but the Acceptance Rite has made clear that this is just the beginning of our journey.

We are all called to live by every moment, to persevere and to have loving, sensitive and generous hearts. Ultimately, our Lover is constantly calling us to follow Him fearlessly and to actually “come and see” where He will lead us in this path we have chosen.

Our journey may have up’s and down’s, consolation and desolation, bright and dark moments, but at the end of the day, we’ll just have to go back to the subject and object of everything we have in this life – no more and no less than CHRIST’S GREAT LOVE.

Reflection by: Ma. Lorena “Raine” Eguico (Aspirant)

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